Ricciardo’s F1 Future in Jeopardy: Red Bull Reveals Concerns

We may be nearing the end of Daniel Ricciardo’s time in Formula 1. After struggling at McLaren, he was left without a top-tier seat, but Red Bull gave him a second chance with their junior team, the Visa Cash App RB.

Ricciardo is not meeting expectations, and he doesn’t have a contract for next season. This week, Red Bull advisor Helmut Marko announced that the team will soon make a change, and with Yuki Tsunoda’s renewal, it seems likely that Ricciardo will be replaced. Marko explained that the team is looking for a young driver, and at 34, Ricciardo is no longer the right fit.

Marko has already confirmed that Liam Lawson will take Ricciardo’s place, although he didn’t specify when. It’s clear that Ricciardo’s time at Red Bull is coming to an end.

Does not align with team philosophy

The RB team is Red Bull’s junior team, designed to develop drivers for the top team. Ricciardo was an exception, but with Sergio Pérez’s renewal, that option is no longer available. The team’s objective was for Ricciardo to show exceptional performances and be considered for the top team, but that seat now belongs to Pérez.

Red Bull advisor Helmut Marko pointed out that the team’s shareholders have made it clear that they want the junior team to focus on developing young drivers. “The shareholders have made it known that it is a junior team and we have to act accordingly,” he said.

Ricciardo’s struggles are not just about his performance, as he is losing to Yuki Tsunoda. The decision to replace him also comes from the demands of the shareholders, who want the team to focus on developing young talent.

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