Relief from Helichrysum Allergy Symptoms

If you or someone you know suffers from seasonal allergies, you know how uncomfortable and debilitating the symptoms can be. Prevention is key, and with natural remedies, you can alleviate the symptoms of spring allergies before they even start.

Helichrysum italicum, also known as curry, golden sun, or mountain immortelle, is a species of flowering plant that belongs to the Asteraceae family. Its silver-gray leaves emit a strong and powerful aroma, reminiscent of curry powder, which can be detected from a distance when the plant is in bloom, commonly found in the Mediterranean region.

The aroma of Helichrysum italicum is a unique blend of rosemary, curry, and licorice, thanks to its high content of aromatic polyphenols. This powerful scent has been used for centuries as a natural antihistamine, relieving symptoms such as respiratory irritation, digestive discomfort, itchy skin, and fatigue.

As a medicinal plant, Helichrysum italicum has been traditionally used to relieve allergy symptoms, and research has confirmed its anti-inflammatory properties, similar to those of corticosteroids. Its high levels of flavonoids, antioxidants produced by plants, can stimulate the production of hydrocortisone, an anti-inflammatory substance that helps to relieve allergy symptoms.

To use Helichrysum against allergies, it’s recommended to consult with an allergist or naturopath, who can prescribe individual therapy. The plant can be used as an infusion or extract, and supplements are available in pharmacies and herbalists.

Here are some guidelines for preparing the infusion:

* Infusion: 3g in 150-200mL of water, 1-3 times a day
* Decoction: 1.5g in 150-250mL, boil for 10 minutes, 1-3 times a day

However, it’s essential to consult with a medical specialist before taking Helichrysum, as its active compounds, including eucalyptol, can be toxic in high doses.

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Helichrysum has other uses beyond allergy relief, including antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antitussive, expectorant, and diuretic properties. It can also be used in oil form for acne treatment.

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