Home Sports Released Players: 2024 Queens League Roster Clean-Out

Released Players: 2024 Queens League Roster Clean-Out

Discards from the Queens League 2024: these are the players who will not continue on their teams

The women’s competition is set to return in September 2024 with its third split, and teams must now decide which three players to discard ahead of the draft. This is a crucial decision, as it will determine which players will continue with their current teams and which will be released.

For teams like 1K FC, who finished a disappointing second split, this is a vital opportunity to rebuild and improve. Mayichi, the team’s coach, has already made official the three players who will not continue with the team.

Similarly, FC Annihilators will be looking to repeat their success after a strong second split, and Adrian Contreras, the team’s coach, will be keen to retain key players to achieve this goal.

However, teams like Ultimate Mostoles and xBuyer Team will be focusing on rebuilding and strengthening their squads, after both teams lost key players and are looking to the draft to reinforce their lineups.

xBuyer Team, the reigning Queens League champions, will be keen to defend their title and are still searching for a goalkeeper to complete their roster.

As the draft approaches, teams will be scrambling to secure the best players and secure their places in the competition. The coming weeks will be crucial for each team as they look to build a squad that can compete at the highest level.

In the meantime, fans of the Queens League will be eagerly awaiting the new season, and the drama that it will bring.

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