Home Sports Raúl García says goodbye to Athletic

Raúl García says goodbye to Athletic

The Basque team is left without Europe for the sixth consecutive year and will have to make cuts to face the future

One of the renewals that Athletic had parked was that of Raúl García. The veteran midfielder is a very expensive asset for an Athletic that after six years without setting foot in Europe sees how little by little the income is reduced. There are expenses that have to be controlled and managed in another way.

It is evident that if it did not involve a considerable effort, Athletic and Raúl García would have no reason to separate their paths. The midfielder is an important piece in the dressing room and his experience, even if he only plays a few minutes, is always important for youngsters. However, with such a high salary and playing few minutes, the reality is quite different.

Raul Garcia Athletic
Raúl is no longer at Athletic

Without Europe, Raúl García leaves Athletic

Athletic went to the Santiago Bernabéu to try to achieve a feat that had they beaten relegated Elche the week before they would not have been necessary. The ballot was extremely complicated, with a last game against Real Madrid and with my mind set, at the same time, on what Osasuna and Girona were doing.

For a few minutes, very few, Athletic saw the light. He had gone ahead with a goal from Sancet and Osasuna and Girona were tied at that moment. However, the joy was short-lived, as Ante Budimir scored two goals almost in a row that certified Osasuna’s European qualification 16 years later.

The Navarrese turns 37 in July

Much had been written about the possible renewal of Raúl García with Athletic. Jon Uriarte had postponed it to this week, to see if the qualification for Europe was finally achieved. After not having achieved it, and already accumulating a whopping 6 seasons in a row without achieving it, he has to rethink this type of operation.

Next July Raúl García will be 37 years old. If this year he has already been a regular substitute, it is normal for his minutes to be reduced even more. His salary is one of the highest in the Athletic locker room. Therefore, It is a one hundred percent economic decision. Raúl will not continue at Athletic.

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