Ranvir Shorey, a contestant on the reality show Bigg Boss OTT 3, has recently made some shocking revelations about his personal life. The actor has opened up about his controversial breakup with ex-girlfriend Pooja Bhatt, which made headlines 24 years ago. Ranvir has shared the traumatic experience he had during their six-month relationship, stating that he was unable to cope with the abuse and turmoil that followed a heated argument after drinking.
The actor’s candid admission sheds light on the darker side of their high-profile romance. Ranvir has claimed that Pooja’s father, Mahesh Bhatt, had also manipulated him during that time. He said in an interview, “I had great regard for Mr. Bhatt till the fiasco happened when I was seeing his daughter (Pooja Bhatt). Then I saw that actually whatever respect I had for him was being used to manipulate me… very duplicitous behavior going on.”
Ranvir also shared how the film industry ganged up on him after his fallout with the Bhatt family. He said, “This fully happens, you know, ganging up against someone, elbowing them out, standing on somebody’s toes, scuttling somebody’s career. This happens. This is a fact.” He also said that this phenomenon is not limited to the film industry but also happens in politics, corporate, and media.
Ranvir’s revelations have sparked a renewed conversation about the importance of addressing and preventing abuse in relationships. His willingness to share his story serves as a powerful reminder that seeking help and support is essential for healing and growth.