There are rumors that Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani, one of the most popular couples in Bollywood, will get married soon. There are rumors that these lovebirds will get married in Goa. At the same time, some details about the day on which this pair will complete seven rounds were also announced. Let us know on what day Rakul becomes Jackie's bride?
There are rumors that Rakul and Jackky Bhagnani will tie the knot on February 21 in Goa in the presence of their close friends and family. There are also reports that the couple's pre-wedding events will take place on February 19 and 20. According to the Bombay Times report, a source close to the couple has shared some details about Rakul and Jackie's marriage. According to the report, the source said, “The couple wants to keep the wedding date a secret.” From the designer to the photographer, no one was informed about the date. Since the wedding is taking place in Goa, a large number of dates have been given to everyone. This will be a complete Bollywood wedding.
Rumors are also rife that Rakul's wedding dress was designed by famous fashion designer Tarun Tahiliani. After the marriage, the couple will go back to work. However, the couple has not yet officially confirmed anything regarding their marriage.
The love affair between Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani is not hidden from anyone. The couple has been together since 2021. Just a few months ago, Rakul had written a heart-touching message for her boyfriend Jackie on his birthday. Rakul had written, “Happy birthday my love, on this birthday and every day I wish you get everything you want in abundance. Your kindness and innocence are rare to find, your jokes are very bad but I have to accept that they are funny. Protect them all because they won't make people like you anymore. There are adventures, travel, food and always laughing together.
During an interview, Rakul had spoken about her relationship with Jackie. Rakul had said, “We were both neighbors but never talked to each other. When the lockdown was imposed, we met through a mutual friend. After that we became good friends. We were in each other's company for a long time. After enjoying it, we started dating.