Home World R.Kelly convicted of sex crimes

R.Kelly convicted of sex crimes

The federal court in Brooklyn (New York) on Monday found singer R.Kelly guilty of “sex trafficking” and sex crimes, including that of having led for several years a “network” of sex slaves, sometimes minors.

For more than a month, the fallen star was on trial for extortion, sexual exploitation of a minor, kidnapping, corruption and forced labor, over a period ranging from 1994 to 2018.

Nine women and two men testified against R. Kelly, denouncing sexual abuse, rape, forced drug use, kidnappings and child pornography. According to his victims, the singer acted with impunity, taking advantage of his notoriety.

“A criminal, a predator”

Several of them have notably told of having met the star during concerts, during which they were given a piece of paper with his contact details. Promising them a career in music, R.Kelly “indoctrinated” them, forcing them into sex and keeping them in this “system” with “coercive” measures.

“He’s not a genius. He’s a criminal. He’s a predator, ”Nadia Shihata, the deputy prosecutor, said during the trial.

R. Kelly, who has always denied the facts, did not react to the statement of the verdict. One of his lawyers, Deveraux Cannick, however expressed his disappointment to the press, indicating that they were considering appealing.

It will now be necessary to wait until May 4, 2022 to discover his conviction. Already in pre-trial detention, he faces life imprisonment.

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