Home World Putin doesn’t know what’s going to happen to him, Joe Biden

Putin doesn’t know what’s going to happen to him, Joe Biden

US President Joe Biden has said that Russian President Vladimir Putin does not know what will happen to him. Russia’s attack on Ukraine was a deliberate plan.

Addressing the State of the Union in Washington, US President Joe Biden said that from today, US airspace has been closed to all Russian flights, while the Russian currency, the ruble, has lost 40% of its value so far.

He made it clear that US sanctions would only hurt the Russian economy.

President Joe Biden said Putin attacked without provocation and rejected diplomatic efforts, but that democracy wins the battle of democracy and dictatorship.

He said Putin had tried to divide Europe, but now Russian President Putin was alone in the world.

“Six days ago, Putin tried to shake the foundations of a free world, but we are ready to fight aggression and stand with the people of Ukraine,” Biden said.

The US president said that after the Second World War, the NATO alliance was formed for peace and stability, the US and NATO countries would defend one inch of land.

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