Home Sports Professional League: Lanús had it to win and the Board prevented it

Professional League: Lanús had it to win and the Board prevented it

Professional League: Lanús had it to win and the Board prevented it

Patronage of Paraná turned this Thursday a heroic match against Lanús at home, overcoming it 3-2 after coming back two goals and smile again at the Presbítero Bartolomé Grella stadium in Entre Ríos, by twenty-first date of the Professional Soccer League (LPF).

With this setback, the Garnet left the podium (Defense and Justice snatched third place in the table), He was left with 36 points and was also complicated by qualifying for the Copa Libertadores. In counterpart, El Patron savored the victory, although he is still difficult with the average.

With a controversial arbitration by Jorge Baliño, about the first quarter of an hour the Corrientes José Sand overtook those led by Luis Zubeldia, who started better and then took advantage of an error from the refereeing team, who did not see the clear offside in Ignacio Malcorra’s goal, who appeared at the far post to push off a faulty shot from Lautaro Acosta.

With a handicap of two goals, Patronato was able to find the discount before the break, thanks to an intervention by the Uruguayan Junior Arias at the exit of a free kick that was lowered by Sebastián Sosa Sánchez, another Uruguayan.

And in the complement, accompanied by the push of their fans, those led by Iván Delfino crystallized a heroic comeback in just one minute: first Héctor Canteros hung it at an angle from outside the area and then Sosa Sánchez rounded up great performance pushing a toe from the left-handed Facundo Cobos.

A) Yes, with some good looks and a lot of determination, Patronato clung to a triumph -his second consecutive at home- that allows him to forget the tough 0-5 against River Plate from the past date and reach 23 points in the standings.

Lanús, which in the complement lowered its intensity and almost did not approach Matías Ibáñez’s arc, put behind a positive streak of five games without losing and squandered one of the last chances he had to get excited about fight the title before the millionaire.

On the next date, Board of Trustees will visit Huracán, while Lanús will receive Platense.


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