The famous Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra has recently entered the world of business. Actually, Priyanka Chopra has started her homeware line in the past. The name of this Priyanka brand is Homeware Sona. The prices of whose goods skyrocket. In such a situation, fans are trolling Priyanka Chopra a lot on social media for such expensive items.
It’s worth noting that under Priyanka Chopra’s Sona brand, the fees for each item are quite high. In such a situation, it becomes very difficult for a common man to buy them. The cost of a tablecloth from Priyanka Chopra’s homeware brand Sona is Rs 30,612 in Indian rupees. At the same time, the cost of a plate of food in a container is 4,733 rupees, the fee for a cup of tea is 5,365 rupees, for a cup it is 3,471 rupees. At the same time, the cost of the serving bowl is Rs 7,732. Not only this, the cost of a set of dinner napkins is Rs 13,284. Now even a common man cannot see the courage to buy these Priyanka Chopra brand items.
People have been shocked on social media after learning of such fees from Priyanka Chopra’s homeware brand Sona. Under which he has begun to give his reactions. In fact, a Twitter user has written that I have to be very rich to buy these Priyanka Chopra brand items. Another user has written that the products are good but not worth buying. In this way people have expressed their different reactions.