Home World Presidents of Venezuela and Colombia meet for the 4th time

Presidents of Venezuela and Colombia meet for the 4th time

Presidentes de Venezuela y Colombia se reúnen por 4ta vez

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro and his Colombian colleague Gustavo Petro met on Thursday in Caracas, in what represents the fourth meeting between the two leaders since they promoted the restoration of bilateral relations that were interrupted for almost seven years as a result of political tensions. .

Maduro received Petro in the afternoon at La Casona, located in the east of the Venezuelan capital, which was the official residence of Venezuelan leaders between 1966 and 2012. With the election of Petro —the first left-leaning leader in Colombia— They reestablished diplomatic and commercial relations with Maduro, whom his predecessor Iván Duque (2018-2022) called a “dictator.” For Petro, who assumed the presidency on August 7, 2022, it is the fourth meeting with Maduro since then.

This reestablishment of diplomatic relations and the reopening of the border after years of closure, however, has been gradual.

In a report titled “Lights and Shadows of the Restoration of Relations with Venezuela” released Thursday, the Universidad del Rosario —a well-known private Colombian think tank— mentioned “advances” such as the opening of international bridges, the appointment of ambassadors and the strengthening of ties between the governments of Petro and Maduro.

However, the document warns about the violence that persists in the border area, it says, by armed actors who are “reconfiguring their access to illegal markets and their territorial presence.” He considered that greater coordination of the security forces is urgently needed.

The report also mentions that the reestablishment of the consular service remains and the increase in the offer of commercial flights between the two countries, which until now has four weekly flights through the Turpial, Venezuelan, and Satena, Colombian airlines.

He points out, in turn, that there are issues on the bilateral agenda that have not been sufficiently addressed, such as the migratory flow, given that Colombia is home to 2.4 million Venezuelans who have left their native country due to the political and economic crisis.

Bilateral trade resumed in September but six months later the exchange of goods and services is still meager, according to experts.

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