Home World Pope Francis will have to slow down or ‘step aside’

Pope Francis will have to slow down or ‘step aside’

Pope Francis will have to slow down or 'step aside'

Pope Francis, 85, weakened by severe knee pain forcing him to move around in a wheelchair, confided on his return from his trip to Canada that he should reduce the pace of his travels, even mentioning the possibility of ” put aside “.

“I don’t think I can maintain the same pace of travel as before. I believe that at my age, and with these limits, I have to spare myself in order to be able to serve the Church, or on the contrary think about the possibility of putting myself aside, ”said the sovereign pontiff during a press conference. on the plane bringing him back to the Vatican, on the night of Friday to Saturday.

A test trip

During this six-day visit, his 37th international trip since his election in 2013, the pope moved around mainly in a wheelchair and appeared weak, but nevertheless greeted the crowd aboard the “popemobile”.

“This trip was a bit of a test: it’s true that we can’t travel in this state, we may have to change the style a bit,” he admitted, while confiding that he “would try to continue to travel, to be close to people, because it is a way of serving, closeness”. “In all honesty, it’s not a disaster. We can change popes. This is not a problem. But I believe that I have to limit myself a little, with these efforts,” added the sovereign pontiff.

fragile health

Since the beginning of May, the Argentinian Jesuit has been moving around in a wheelchair or with a cane, weakened by pain in his right knee. To relieve his knee pain, he regularly receives infiltrations and undergoes physiotherapy sessions, according to the Vatican, which cultivates discretion regarding his health.

Jorge Bergoglio, however, ruled out the possibility of surgery, confident that he had “sequelae” from the anesthesia suffered in July 2021 during his colon operation.

The health of Francois – who already had part of a lung removed as a youth and suffers from chronic sciatica – had already fueled speculation during his colon surgery in July 2021.


On the subject of a possible renunciation, like his predecessor Benedict XVI, the pope repeated on Saturday that the door was “open”. “But until today I haven’t pushed that door. As they say I did not feel it, to think of this possibility. But that doesn’t mean the day after tomorrow I won’t start thinking about it. »

In 2014, Francis himself had contributed to fueling the hypothesis of a possible resignation, believing that Benedict XVI had “opened a door” by renouncing his office. But he had denied rumors in early July that he could soon give up his charge because of his health problems.

Three events, however, raise questions, including the holding of a consistory on August 27 to create around twenty new cardinals – including future electors in the event of a conclave, a very unusual period for this.

Postponed visits

In the process, the pope will bring together cardinals from around the world in Rome and will go to L’Aquila (Abruzzo), to the tomb of Celestine V, the first pope to resign, in the 13th century. This unprecedented conjunction intrigues the Italian and international press, some of whom see it as an opportunity for the pope to announce his decision to the world.

The Argentine pontiff also renewed his desire to go to kyiv, without further details, and confirmed the project of a trip to Kazakhstan in September, to participate in a summit of senior religious leaders.

He also indicated that he would visit South Sudan “before” going to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), when he was to visit the two countries in early July on the same trip, postponed indefinitely in due to his state of health.

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