Home Science Pesticide-Contaminated Foods: Top Most and Least

Pesticide-Contaminated Foods: Top Most and Least

What foods are the most and least contaminated with pesticides?

If budget constraints have been holding you back from buying organic produce, consider starting with fruits and vegetables to see a difference in your budget. One common misconception about organic products is that they’re too expensive, but it’s really a matter of getting the best deal for your health.

Going organic with fruit and vegetables can have a significant impact. Not only are they free of added chemicals, fertilizers, and hormones, but they’re also more nutritious overall. If budget is an issue, consider shopping smart – there are some products that are contaminated with pesticides while others are low-risk.

A helpful reference point is the Environmental Working Group’s ‘Dirty Dozen’ and ‘Clean Fifteen’ lists. The ‘Dirty Dozen’ highlights 12 of the worst pesticide-laden fruits and vegetables, while the ‘Clean Fifteen’ showcases the least likely to have pesticide residues. The lists look like this:

Dirty Dozen:
• Apples
• Celery
• Cherry tomatoes
• Cucumbers
• Grapes
• Spicy chiles
• Imported nectarines
• Peaches
• Potatoes
• Spinach
• Strawberries
• Sweet peppers

Clean Fifteen:
(Please note that the Environmental Working Group has compiled the lists)

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