Home World Peru and the US “are fine-tuning” details of Toledo’s extradition, says minister

Peru and the US “are fine-tuning” details of Toledo’s extradition, says minister

Peru and the US "are fine-tuning" details of Toledo's extradition, says minister

The authorities of Peru and the United States "they are tuning" the details of the extradition process of former president Alejandro Toledo, who turned himself in this Friday to the San José Court in California to be tried in his country, said the Minister of the Interior, Vicente Romero.

Romero said, in statements to the media, that a team from Peru will travel to the United States "in the next few hours, probably" And, without giving further details, he stated that at the moment there is no date for Toledo’s arrival in Peru, nor is it known if the former president will travel on a private plane.

"Precisely (the authorities) are refining these issues"he pointed.

The minister explained that the first step in this extradition process is carried out at the Foreign Ministry level, through the Peruvian consul in the United States.

"Immediately, Interpol also has to act with its counterparts in Peru. They are working at that time"he claimed.

He added that the priority is to give "all protection" the ex-governor during his extradition "so that he arrives here in Peru with due security".

Toledo, 77 years old and claimed by the Peruvian Justice since the end of 2017, turned himself in this Friday to the San José Court of California (USA) to be extradited to Peru, where he is accused of having received 35 million dollars of bribes from the Brazilian construction company Odebrecht.

The former president arrived at court at the scheduled time, 9:00 a.m. local time on the West Coast of the United States (4:00 p.m. GMT), as he had stated in an interview with EFE the eve of his court summons, in which he also demanded that the justice of his country not allow his "death in prison".

According to the head of the National Penitentiary Institute (INPE), Javier Llaque, it is "very likely" that Toledo, when he is in Peru, enter Barbadillo, a prison located in the Lima district of Ate, where former presidents Alberto Fujimori (1990-2000) and Pedro Castillo (2021-2022) are imprisoned.

"Once you arrive in the country and the National Police receive you and evaluate you medically, they immediately make you available to the judge, who conducts a brief identity control hearing. In the following hour it is made available to INPE"Llaque explained in an interview with the state channel TVPerú.


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