Perraud Joins Betis Until 2029

Romain Perraud has become the first signing for the 2024-25 season for Real Betis. The club announced his arrival through a video on their social media and a statement on their website. Perraud, a 26-year-old French left-back, joins from Southampton for an estimated 3.5 million euros, signing a five-year contract until June 30, 2029.

The left-back position, along with central defense, was a key area of focus for the sports management team, led by Manu Fajardo, in the summer transfer market. After testing various options, they opted for Perraud due to his contractual situation, characteristics, and price. The club is expected to sign another player to compete for a position.

Perraud landed at Saint Paul Airport this morning after traveling from Madrid. He was greeted by Fajardo, technical secretary Álvaro Ladrón de Guevara, and other club employees. Following medical tests and a tour of the facilities, Perraud signed his contract and will be presented shortly, expected to join the preseason under Pellegrini’s orders on July 8th.

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