Home World Passport change for the first time in US history

Passport change for the first time in US history

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The United States has issued its first passport with the “X” gender identity, an important step in recognizing the rights of people whose identities are not male or female.

According to a statement issued by the US State Department on Wednesday, October 27, this category is for people who do not have a gender identity as a man or a woman, they are commonly referred to as ‘LGBTQ’. The department has so far issued only one passport in this category. People belonging to this category are fighting for their equal rights in all walks of life in all other countries, including the United States.

The department has allowed passport applicants to choose their gender identity apart from men and women and the applicant does not need any additional documents for this.

Jessica Stern, special envoy for LGBTQ rights in the United States, called the move “historic” and said it was a “moment of celebration” as it was recognized in official documents as a living fact. ۔ The move has expanded gender identity and now gives women and men a recognized identity.

Jessica Stern said that when a person obtains identity documents that reflect his or her true identity, he or she lives with more dignity and respect. He expects more passports to be issued next year with this gender identity.

The State Department did not say who was issued the first passport with X’s identity.

A department official declined to say for whom the passport was issued. The official said the department would not comment on individual passport applications due to privacy concerns.

It should be noted that apart from the United States, there are only a few countries in the world, including Australia, New Zealand, Nepal and Canada, which allow their citizens to enter any gender other than male or female on their passports.






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