Home World Paris: a man sets himself on fire at Saint-Louis hospital

Paris: a man sets himself on fire at Saint-Louis hospital

Paris: a man sets himself on fire at Saint-Louis hospital

Horror scene at Saint-Louis hospital, in the 10th arrondissement of Paris, where an employee of the AP-HP tried to commit suicide by setting himself on fire this Monday afternoon. He is in critical condition.

According to information from Parisian, this 47-year-old administrative secretary sprayed himself with gasoline before igniting with a match in the grounds of the establishment.

His gesture was “immediately controlled” by a security officer, said the Assistance publique-Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) in a statement.

Man, burnt sur upper body, face and thighs, was rushed to intensive care. Its vital prognosis is engaged.

A hospitalized security guard

The security guard who used a fire extinguisher to extinguish the flames sustained severe burns to his left hand and left leg. “The security personnel who intervened were admitted to the emergency reception service. He is currently still hospitalized, ”the statement continued.

The victim was “in great psychological difficulty” and would have expressed “the desire to end his life”, according to a source consulted by Le Parisien.

“Support and psychological support were very quickly put in place for professionals who so wish,” explains the AP-HP. A police investigation was opened.

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