Home Sports Óliver Torres puts a crack from Sevilla FC on the exit ramp

Óliver Torres puts a crack from Sevilla FC on the exit ramp


From the surroundings of the Seville team they are clear that the Extremaduran must stay

The Sevilla F.C. goes through its worst moment in several seasons, but there are effective to stand out as the case of Oliver Torres. It was one of the sung discards of the club in the past market of signings and now it has become a key player for Julen Lopetegui. This could have some consequences on other footballers.

Let us remember that the people from Seville have had a rather complex start, with several defeats and struggling to get out of the bottom of the standings. There, the coach (first signaled of the crisis that those of nerve) has found an ally on the pitch. Of course, with the figure of Extremadura, others could leave unexpectedly.

Ray Oliver Torres
The level of the midfielder continues to rise

Óliver Torres has become key at Sevilla FC

This is how Óliver Torres and his great performance put one of Sevilla FC’s cracks on the starting ramp. This is a player who has lost relevance in the midst of the club’s crisis and who has been relegated due to the good performances of the player from Extremadura. We are talking about Papu Gómez.

The Argentine attacking midfielder arrived a few markets ago as a star reinforcement, but this season he has not been up to the task. That is why the coach would be placing his trust in players like the former Atlético de Madrid and it is not something that is going to change very soon.

Papu Gómez would be on the exit ramp due to the good moment of the Extremaduran

In addition to the figure of Óliver Torres, Isco Alarcón has also shone at Sevilla FC. Both have established an important duo in complex times, so Lopetegui wants to continue keeping these two players as starters. This will cause that facing the next window they can put Papu Gómez on the exit ramp.

We will have to finally wait for what may happen with this movement. For now, the Argentine player will have to show that he has the conditions to continue at the Nervión club and if he doesn’t succeed, he still has a great poster. For now, Óliver continues to gain relevance and his figure will be taken into account in the rest of the season.

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