NOS surpasses MEO and Vodafone and presents a pioneering project in Portugal

5G seems to be far from becoming an integral part of life for many NOS, MEO and Vodafone customers across the country. But this advanced mobile network technology continues to work at the industrial level.

As stated by the NOS operator in a statement, “Matosinhos is a living laboratory of innovation (…) applying 5G technology to projects that contribute to increasing its efficiency and competitiveness in various areas.”

NOS presents the first 5G port in Portugal

Now, NOS and APDL – Administration of the Duero, Leixões and Viana do Castelo Ports – present the First 5G Port in Portugal. The Port of Leixões is fully covered with NOS 5G technology, with “significant increases in competitiveness, efficiency and security in the management of this important national infrastructure.”

How will 5G revolutionize activities in the port of Leixões?

The port of Leixões handled around 17.1 million tons in 2020, growing 2.6% compared to 2019, even in the context of a pandemic. “The alliance with NOS will allow APDL to monitor these complex operations using 5G drones, equipped with cameras capable of transmitting, in real time, high-quality video images to the control room,” they clarify.

In this way, “both the operations center and the ship pilots can follow a set of higher risk maneuvers, simultaneously increasing the capacity to carry out on-site inspections, with greater frequency, flexibility and safety, as well as allowing fundamental support in management response and mitigation in case of incidents ”.

These 5G drones are preparing to integrate not only environmental sensors, but also noise and air quality. In this way, they will be able to measure the impacts of each operation in real time and directly on site.

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It is important to mention that the NOS and APDL teams want to “take advantage of augmented reality and digital twin technology to make machinery maintenance and logistics processes more efficient”. Sensing IOT will be implemented in order to know, in real time, the location and status of all assets.

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