Priyanka Chopra’s husband Nick Jonas celebrated his 31st birthday yesterday, September 16th. A video of this celebration is currently making big headlines on social media. In it, Priyanka can be seen showering immense love on her husband.
In fact, this video that went viral on social media is from Omaha, America. Where Nick had reached for a concert. Nick cuts his birthday cake on stage during the concert. Many of his videos and photos are currently going viral on social media. Fans really like one of these videos. In it, Priyanka kisses Nick after the cake is cut.
In the video, Priyanka Chopra looks stunning in a matching yellow set. Nick looked cool during this time. First, Nick cut his birthday cake on stage and then gave Priyanka a lip kiss. Nick also thanked his fans. Fans really like this video of the star couple and shower both of them with love through comments.
Previously, Priyanka Chopra had also shared a post for Nick Jonas on Instagram. In it, she shared some special pictures and wrote, “You gave me this peace that I didn’t know. You gave so much love that only you can give. My birthday boy, I love you. I hope all your dreams come true.” Yes. Happy birthday, baby.
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