Home World Nicaragua rejects new ambassador appointed by the US

Nicaragua rejects new ambassador appointed by the US

Nicaragua rechaza nuevo embajador designado por EU

The government of Daniel Ortega warned this Friday that the new ambassador appointed by the United States to Nicaragua, Hugo Rodríguez, “will not be admitted” to the country due to his “interfering” positions, thereby reiterating the decision not to grant him approval.

“Mr. Hugo Rodríguez, we repeat, will not be admitted to our Nicaragua under any circumstances (…) so the imperialist gentlemen are clear: Hugo Rodríguez does not enter here,” said the vice president, Rosario Murillo, when reading a statement Foreign Ministry note in the official media.

Murillo, wife of the president and official spokesperson, gave the government’s position after learning that the United States Senate had confirmed Rodríguez as ambassador to Nicaragua on Thursday, despite the fact that on July 28 Managua had expressed its rejection of that appointment.

Managua argued at that time that it decided to withdraw the approval of Rodríguez due to the “disrespectful” statements that the diplomat offered in a hearing before the Senate.

In it, Rodríguez affirmed that Nicaragua “is increasingly becoming a pariah state within the region” and described the Ortega government as a “dictatorship.” He also advocated removing Nicaragua from Cafta (Free Trade Agreement between Central America, the Dominican Republic and the United States).

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