Home World Nepal frees notorious serial killer of girls Charles Sobhraj after 19 years

Nepal frees notorious serial killer of girls Charles Sobhraj after 19 years

KATHMANDU: A court in Nepal has freed Charles Subhraj, the dangerous serial killer of tourist girls and boys, after 19 years.

According to the details, on Wednesday the Supreme Court of Nepal ordered the release of serial killer Charles Sobhraj, a French citizen, saying that keeping the prisoner in prison continuously is against human rights.

According to AFP, the court said there were no other pending cases against Charles Sobhraj, so the court ordered his release and his return to the country within 15 days.

Charles Sobhraj, known worldwide as the ‘Snake’ and the ‘Bikini Killer’, made into a Hollywood film and Netflix series, was accused of killing more than 20 young tourists in Asia. Police say Sobharaj, who carried out a series of murders of tourists in the 1970s and 1980s, is due to be released from Kathmandu’s Central Jail on Thursday.

The notorious 78-year-old killer was sentenced to two life terms, 20 and 20 years respectively, for the murders of American woman Connie Jo Bronzich and her Canadian tourist friend Laurent Carrière in Nepal’s capital. The sentence is 20 years.

Charles Subhraj admitted to killing at least 20 young Western tourists across Asia by doping their food, but was found guilty for the first time in Nepal in 2004.

Thailand first issued a warrant for his arrest in the mid-1970s for drugging and murdering six women on a beach in Pattaya.

Sobhraj was known as ‘The Serpent’ because he was adept at disguising himself to avoid capture, escaping from prison, assuming other identities, and attracting young women. was He managed to escape from a prison in India in the mid-1980s by drugging the guards. He was later captured and imprisoned in the maximum security Tihar Jail in New Delhi until 1997, where he served 20 years. He then resurfaced in September 2003 at a casino in Kathmandu.


Charles Sobhraj did not have a good childhood, he began to commit crimes from an early age, and in France he ended up in prison several times, in the early 1970s he began to travel the world, and he Traveling with hippies from Europe to Southeast Asia, the young man befriended and robbed tourists.

In Bangkok in 1975, he befriended a woman named Nadine Garris for help and accommodation. The woman described Sobhraj as a ‘polite and polite’ man, but he spoke very quickly, but she soon became afraid of him. and branded him as a ‘robber, cheat, and murderer’, at that time Sobhraj disguised himself as a jeweler to easily attract young and Qalash tourists.

He strangled or burned tourists, often using his male victim’s passport to travel to his next destination. In prison in 2008, Sobhraj married Nihita Biswas, 44 years his junior and the daughter of his Nepali lawyer. Sobhraj also underwent a five-hour heart operation in 2017.

How to release?

Nepal’s Supreme Court ordered Sobhraj’s release on Wednesday, after his legal team successfully filed a petition claiming that Sobhraj was jailed because of his 78-year-old age and good behavior. Punishment should be commuted. A provision in Nepalese law allows for the release of prisoners who have demonstrated good character and served 75 percent of their prison terms.

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