Mystery and confusion surrounding a fake nun who left the skeletal remains of a dead companion on the road

Mystery and confusion shake each other chili after an 80 year old woman left bone remains of a comrade who died a year ago.

The discovery of human skeletal remains in a suitcase left on a street in Santiago de Chile caused a stir in the country.

The subsequent publication of the video of a dressed woman nun Intrigue increased everywhere.

On Wednesday it became known that this case was neither a murder nor a criminal, but a “pact” between two friends to accompany each other beyond death, as the 80-year-old woman involved explained to the police.

“The person died a year ago and the other has kept him in a suitcase ever since out of love for him,” subprefect Juan Fonseca told the press. His partner did not notify authorities and decided to keep the body in a warehouse.

Police came to her after a video was released showing her dressed as a nun near where the suitcase containing the bones was found in the central municipality of Ñuñoa in Santiago.

On Monday, around 7 a.m., he left the body in a suitcase. A recycler took the suitcase, but when he smelled a strange smell, he left it on the street.

“Preliminarily, the body did not show any injuries that could be attributed to third parties,” reported Francisco Lanas, the prosecutor in charge of the case.

The octogenarian decided to take it to the streets after one of her daughters came home. “Given the likelihood that she discovered this suitcase containing her friend’s body, she decided to abandon it on the street. “That’s the only logical explanation we have so far,” Lanas explained.

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The woman made a statement along with her daughter, who is religious. He explained that the remains corresponded to a nun who died of untreated cancer in April 2023 at the age of 58.

The body would have been stored in a warehouse. The defendant said she had reached an agreement with the deceased in which they agreed not to report if one of them died.

According to the archdiocese, which issued a statement, the 80-year-old woman is not religious, she does not belong to any institute of consecrated life in the Catholic Church and her daughter had recently arrived from Italy to care for her.

Furthermore, they claim that they have no record of the deceased woman being a nun.

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