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Moscow in Severodonetsk and Paris beef up its defense on the 110th day of war

Moscow in Severodonetsk and Paris beef up its defense on the 110th day of war

Did you miss the latest events on the tensions in Ukraine? Do not panic, 20 minutes takes stock for you every evening at 7:30 p.m. Who did what ? Who said what? Where are we ? The answer below:

news of the day

The Russians continue their advance in Severodonetsk. According to regional governor Serguiï Gaïdaï, the Russians control “more than 70%” of the city, where street fighting continues. “With artillery support, the enemy stormed Severodonetsk, achieved partial success, and pushed our units back from the city center. Hostilities are continuing,” the Ukrainian army said on Monday.

For their part, the pro-Russian separatists who fight alongside the Russian forces have claimed that the last Ukrainian divisions remaining in Severodonetsk are now “blocked” there, after the last bridge that led to the neighboring city of Lysychansk “jumped”.

sentence of the day

The Poutine I knew was different. »

These are the words of Mikhail Kasyanov, the first head of government of the current master of the Kremlin. Aged 64, and prime minister from 2000 to 2004 before going to the opposition, Mikhail Kassianov estimated on Monday that the Russian leader was unrecognizable. “I know these people and looking at them I saw that Putin was not himself. Not medically, but politically,” he said.

The number of the day

204. The NGO Human Rights Watch (HRW) reports cases of enforced disappearances, in which Ukrainian citizens are imprisoned in Russia – a priori – and have no contact with their lawyers or their families. From February 24 to May 10, the UN documented in Ukraine “204 apparent cases of enforced disappearances involving 169 men, 34 women and a boy, the vast majority attributed to Russian” and pro-Russian forces, according to HRW.

The trend of the day

The war in Ukraine upsets European countries, which in turn increase their military spending, worried about Moscow’s next moves. Emmanuel Macron calls for relaunching French and European defence. The French president called for the strengthening of the European defense industry which must be “much stronger” in the light of increased military needs with the war in Ukraine, Monday by inaugurating the international defense exhibition Eurosatory near Paris.

He also wants a “reassessment” of the military programming law (LPM) 2019-2025 to “adjust the means” of France. Our country has “entered a war economy in which I believe we will organize ourselves in the long term”, and “in which we can no longer live with the grammar of a year ago”, he estimated.

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