Home Sports Monchi has the formula to bring Dybala to Sevilla FC

Monchi has the formula to bring Dybala to Sevilla FC

If they win next Wednesday against Roma, precisely by Dybala, Sevilla FC will play in the Champions League and will be in a position to put together a great team

Who was going to tell a Sevilla FC fan that after starting the year as they started it, they would now be on the verge of a new final against Paulo Dybala’s AS Roma. What’s more, who was going to tell Monchi that he could precisely sign the Argentine for the Sevilla project. If they win on Wednesday, the plan to follow is clear.

If they win the final there will be a golden opportunity for Monchi to transfer several players. Among these players stands out a Suso who has experienced a notable improvement under the orders of Mendilibar. It would be the perfect hook to be able to gather enough liquidity to take Dybala to Sevilla FC.

Suso could leave Sevilla FC this summer
Suso aims to be summoned by Luis de la Fuente

Suso for Dybala at Sevilla FC

For several months, there was speculation about the possible departure of Suso from Sevilla FC. However, the Sevillian club did not find a suitable destination for the player due to his contract until 2025 and his high salary, which Suso was not willing to give up. But with the arrival of Mendilibar on the bench, everything has taken a 180º turn.

However, things have changed drastically in recent times. Suso has shown a great level and he has been a key piece in Mendilibar’s tactical scheme, contributing to the team’s success in the final stretch of the season. His performance has been so outstanding that everything indicates that in the coming weeks he will receive an important call.

Monchi has the plan on track

As we have known, there is the interest of Luis de la Fuente, coach of the Spanish National Team, in summoning the man from Cádiz. And it is that the new national coach wants to give him a new opportunity. An opportunity that would also be a great reward for the footballer after the great end of the season that he is completing.

Likewise, everything that happened also involves Monchi. And it is that the sporting director of Sevilla FC knows that the perfect opportunity to transfer Suso could have arrived. Something that he has not been able to do before and that now seems much more feasible, because with the call of the Spanish National Team the footballer will ring again for some important and

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