Mining poses a greater threat to African great apes than previously thought

Mining in Africa is expanding to create resources and produce everything from electronics to aircraft engines, or even for the large-scale transition to cleaner energy. This practice leads to deforestation and ends the natural habitat of great apes and other species, impacting their populations.

A study published in the journal Scientific advances ensures that the consequences for these creatures are more serious than previously assumed.

“We have documented the largest spatial overlap between mining areas and important areas for great apes in West Africa. Especially in the countries Liberia, Sierra Leone, Mali and Guinea, where regions with high density of Chimpanzees and mining, including areas that isolate cities of 10 and 50 kilometers,” he tells SINC. Jessica Junkerfrom the German Center for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv), the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) in Germany and the non-profit nature conservation organization Re:wild, institutions leading the work.

We have documented the largest spatial overlap between mining areas and important areas for great apes in West Africa

Jessica Junker, iDiv, MLU and RE:wild scientist

For example, Guinea is the country with the largest overlap between mining projects and chimpanzee habitats, which would directly or indirectly impact more than 23,000 specimens, with a potential impact of up to 83% of the chimpanzee population from Guinea.

Across Africa, it is estimated that more than a third of the entire great ape population is at risk – nearly 180,000 gorillas, bonobos and chimpanzees.

Direct and indirect effects

The research team used data on operational and pre-operational mining areas in 17 African countries and recorded 10 km gaps to account for direct impacts such as habitat destruction and light and noise pollution.

It is estimated that nearly 180,000 gorillas, bonobos and chimpanzees across Africa are at risk from mining activities.

In addition, they defined an additional 50 km indirect impact areas that take this into account Increase in human activity near these farms: New roads and infrastructure are being built to reach these once remote areas, and many people are also migrating in search of work.

All of these practices increase pressure on great apes and their habitat through increased hunting, habitat loss and increased risk Disease transmission.

By integrating all the data on the distribution of great ape densities, the scientists examined how many of them could be negatively affected by mining and mapped these areas. In general, the most sensitive areas, namely those with relatively high densities of great apes and mining, are not protected.

We urge mining companies to keep records of the plants and animals in the affected area before they begin exploitation

Jessica Junker

“One of our big problems is that we don’t always know which species are affected by these projects because their impacts are not always properly documented. For this reason We require mining companies to keep records of plants and animals in the affected area before exploitation begins and to check them regularly during their activity. This allows them to reduce their impact on the environment even more effectively,” says the researcher.

Direct and indirect impacts of mining on great apes in Africa.  / Gabriele Rada / iDiv

More transparency in mining companies

The team notes in the paper that the real impact of mining on biodiversity, and great apes in particular, could be even greater because mining companies are not required to make biodiversity data publicly available.

“There are several mechanisms for this encourage companies to reduce their impact Environment and social issues. However, a recurring problem is that mining companies tend to only deal with direct impacts and neglect indirect ones or those that do not occur during exploration,” says Junker.

A recurring problem is that mining companies tend to only deal with direct impacts and neglect indirect ones.

Jessica Junker

The scientist emphasizes that the information currently available is an incomplete picture: “We advocate for more.” Transparency in the mining sector and we call on lending banks, including the World Bank, to ensure accessibility of environmental data. Specifically, we propose that World Bank-supported projects share data from monkey studies on a central platform such as the APES database.”

According to the expert, companies may limit the impact of their activities to the boundaries of mining leases, ignoring the environment. In addition, they often underestimate the time frame for implementing mitigation strategies, which can hinder population recovery.

“We urge companies, lenders and nations to reconsider investments in exploration activities in biodiverse regions, emphasizing the importance of conserving pristine areas. Furthermore, social change is essential to re-evaluate our habits. It is crucial that everyone adopts a mentality Consumption reduction and policymakers need to introduce more effective recycling policies to facilitate this sustainable reuse of metals“, he emphasizes.

Trucks transport bauxite along a mining road in Guinea.  / Genevieve Campbell

Trucks transport bauxite along a mining road in Guinea. / Genevieve Campbell

Compensation plans are not long-term

Balancing these mining projects with what they destroy is imprecise and underestimated by researchers: currently they are developed for as long as they are exploited (typically 20 years), while in the case of great ape habitats the consequences are permanent.

“Mining companies should focus on avoiding their impact on great apes as much as possible and using compensation as a last resort, as there is currently no successful example in the case of great apes,” he explains. Genevieve Campbell Principal investigator of Re: wild.

Avoiding fossil fuels is good for the climate, but it must be done in a way that does not endanger biodiversity

Jessica Junker

This problem combines the one that already exists with the agricultural businesses like palm oil and avocado, which has its own regulations and certification from the Rainforest Alliance. “But as with mining regulations, shortcomings such as a lack of transparency, limited scope and enforcement hinder their effectiveness,” complains Juker.

“Collecting science-based baseline and monitoring data on biodiversity is critical to any development project. Avoiding fossil fuels is good for the climate, but it must be done in a way that does not endanger biodiversity. In its current version, it may even run counter to the environmental goals we are striving for,” the expert concludes.


Jessica Junker et al. “Mining Threat to African Great Apes.” Scientific advances

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