Mexico’s new plastic legislation is a “setback” according to Greenpeace

The Mexican Senate approved a reform to the General Law on Prevention and Comprehensive Waste Management. The international environmental organization Greenpeace called the modification a “regression” with regard to the use of disposable plastics.

In a press release, the NGO criticized the reform for being “not ambitious” since “a definition of single-use plastics is included and excludes virtually all plastic products”.

This law plans to eliminate single-use plastics by 2025.

Although the law has yet to pass through the Chamber of Deputies, Greenpeace has been speaking out against it ever since with the reform “practically all plastics can be allowed”Because it modifies the definition of disposable plastic.

The organization gave as an example that disposable plastics are not considered those used for hygiene or food preservation purposes because the reform understands that they can be recycled.

Single use “by design”

plastics, disposables, disposables, disposable plastics, legislation, contamination, bags

Greenpeace that a single-use plastic “This is because of its design to be disposable, not because it can be used ideally.“And criticized that its approval”It’s an achievement for Mexico’s plastics industry, which has been fighting bans“Established so far in 29 of the 32 states in the country.

Another aspect criticized by the NGO is the permission to incinerate resources to transform them into energy. Which, in his opinion, would encourage the consumption of plastic.

This perspective is very dangerous because it does not solve the root of the problem, since, to effectively stop plastic pollution, it is necessary to reduce the production and consumption of plastics and move towards product distribution schemes based on reuse, not on disposable items.”, he wielded.

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Greenpeace appealed to deputies “do not approve it in the terms in which it currently stands, as its approval will mean a major setback and a major impact on the environment and on people”.

Strong legislation at the national level

In recent years, Greenpeace has called for Mexico to have strong legislation at the national level that bans the use of disposable​​or disposable plásticoplastics because of their serious impact on ecosystems and biodiversity.

In the country, at least 29 of the 32 states that comprise it have authorized restrictions on the use of disposable plastics ​​and some of them have modified their laws to prohibit or regulate the use of plastic bags, straws (straws) or unicel items (styrofoam).

According to data from different organizations, each family in Mexico discards an average of 650 plastic bags per year, whose useful time is estimated at 15 minutes, while its degradation takes at least 100 years.


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