Home World Mexico has withdrawn its diplomatic staff from Ecuador after breaking off relations

Mexico has withdrawn its diplomatic staff from Ecuador after breaking off relations

Mexico has withdrawn its diplomatic staff from Ecuador after breaking off relations

Mexico withdrew its diplomatic staff and closed its embassy in Quito this Sunday Behind Breaking off relations with Ecuador unleashed from unpublished Police raid headquarters to capture to the former Ecuadorian vice president Jorge Glas.

The group of 18, consisting of officials and their families, headed to the airport According to the Mexican government, he was accompanied by the ambassadors of Germany, Panama, Cuba and Honduras, who ensured that his integrity was respected.

“Our diplomatic staff leaves everything behind in Ecuador and returns home with their heads held high and the name of Mexico. after Attack on our embassy“, reported the social network Chancellor Alicia Barcena.

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The Mexicans enter A commercial airline after Sending is rejected A Military plane grounded due to tensions.

The press was invited to a message from the delegation led by Ambassador Raquel Serur, declared persona non grata by Quito, and head of mission Roberto Canseco, who was overpowered by police in Friday’s raid.

The The diplomats’ departure came after Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador declared a break in relations for the police invasion of the embassy, ​​an unprecedented event in the world that was condemned by Latin American countries and also by the United States.

Nicaragua emulated Mexico and on Saturday He also broke off relations with Ecuador.

The Organization of American States (OAS) and the United Nations also rejected this approach This violates the “inviolability” of diplomatic institutions enshrined in the 1961 Vienna Convention.

This Sunday, Spain and the European Union joined the rejection noting the need to respect international standards.

Glass in the Mexican embassy since December

Jorge Glas, accused of corruption and vice president of the government of Rafael Correa (2013-2018), seeand had been seeking refuge in Mexican diplomatic headquarters since December claims to be politically persecuted.

The The diplomatic crisis began on Wednesday when López Obrador drew a parallel between the violence that marked Ecuador’s 2023 presidential election campaign. in which the candidate Fernando Villavicencio was murdered, and the crime committed in Mexico in the run-up to the elections on June 2nd.

The Mexican president said the crime in Villavicencio created a “dilute atmosphere of violence” that led to the decline in poll numbers of left-wing candidate Luisa González and the rise of winner Daniel Noboa.

Quito declared the role of the Mexican ambassador “non grata” on Thursday.to which López Obrador responded on Friday by granting Glas asylum.

Noboa described this protection as “illegal” and defended the operation, saying it was an “abuse of the immunities and privileges granted to the diplomatic mission.”

On Saturday, the The Ecuadorian Foreign Minister Gabriela Sommerfeld justified the approach arguing that it “a real danger of an impending escape” by Glas.

Mexico, which has been receiving politically persecuted people from various countries for a century, claimed that the right to asylum is “sacred” and condemned the attack on its embassy as a “flagrant violation of international law” and its “sovereignty.” AFP

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