Mexico: AMLO acknowledges high homicides during his government

Mexico City (BLAZETRENDS).- Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador acknowledged Thursday that the highest number of homicides in history has occurred in his government, but he blamed previous administrations for inheriting the problem.

“Now they tell us: ‘what an outrage that the current government is the government that has the most homicides.’ Yes. But why don’t you put up the (graphic) homicide sheet so they can see how they left the country to us? Because this is a bad inheritance in security ”, she expressed in her daily press conference.

His statements come after Mexico had the two most violent years in its history under the administration of López Obrador, with 34,690 murder victims in 2019 and 34,554 in 2020.

The trend has been downward with 30,968 intentional homicides in 2022 and 33,308 in 2021, but in the first four months of 2023 there was a year-on-year rise of 0.26% with 9,912 murders, an average of 83 per day.

Homicides in Mexico with the mark of several years

But, from his conference in the northern state of Tamaulipas, the president blamed previous governments for the proliferation of organized crime by displaying a graph with the murders of the six-year terms of Felipe Calderón (2006-2012) and Enrique Peña Nieto (2012- 2018).

“It has been difficult for us because who created the gangs, the cartels that work throughout the country? Well these. Where are the cartels created by us, tolerated by our government? No. They were consolidated due to impunity and complicity, ”he argued.

The Mexican ruler denounced the country as a “narco-state” by pointing to Genaro García Luna, former Secretary of Security during the Calderón government, found guilty by a court in the United States last February for his ties to drug trafficking.

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“It was a narco-state. This has cost us a lot. And we expect it to continue to decline. This year he has been going down, a little, huh? And we still have next year,” he asserted.

The president affirmed that “the welfare programs, which are the basis for pacifying the country, are also giving results.”

“That is what will allow us to live in a better and peaceful society, so we have lowered homicide, which is one of the crimes where there is practically no or very little black number (unreported crimes), because it is complaint and yes, what is happening is known,” he said.

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