Home Sports McLaren Unveils Red Bull’s Weakness in F1 Tussle

McLaren Unveils Red Bull’s Weakness in F1 Tussle

McLaren exposes Red Bull's weakness in the fight for the World Cup

Unified sentiment on the grid. Following the Spanish GP, a unanimous agreement emerged among drivers and team managers – McLaren is the fastest car at this stage of the season. While Red Bull is closing the gap, Ferrari and Mercedes are also gaining ground on several circuits.

For the first time in a while, four teams with minimal differences are vying for the championship. Austria-based Red Bull has the upper hand, having capitalized on the initial races of the year when they had a slightly greater advantage over their pursuers. However, McLaren may have since taken the lead.

Red Bull enjoys a 60-point lead over Ferrari and almost a 100-point lead over McLaren. Nonetheless, Zak Brown, CEO of McLaren, believes they can win the Constructors’ World Championship. With more than half the season remaining, the teams’ championship is distinct from the drivers’ championship, where points are accumulated with two drivers, and numerous points can be gained or lost over the coming weekends.

The Executive Director is confident about their prospects, pointing out that they have been consistently cutting points against their rivals every weekend. “We are gradually cutting into Ferrari’s points, but Mercedes has also taken some from us,” Brown explained, referencing recent weeks. Moreover, he cannot focus on a single team, as they are all in contention: “Ferrari is within our reach, but so are Mercedes and Red Bull,” he commented.

McLaren’s edge over Red Bull

When the competition is close, as it is now, it’s essential for all drivers to maximize the car’s performance, and in recent weeks, Red Bull hasn’t been able to achieve this consistently. “So, I think we should capitalize on the fact that although Max is leading, Sergio is struggling to bring in points. That could give us a chance to exploit our advantage a little,” the McLaren CEO said, in reference to Checo’s poor performance over the past few weekends.

Even so, they do not underestimate Checo’s abilities and are aware that he will likely improve soon, which is why it’s crucial to capitalize on these races where he is struggling to bring points to Red Bull. “If Pérez accelerates the pace, it will be very challenging for us to keep up,” he acknowledged, mindful of the significant points cushion Red Bull holds.

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