Home Sports Marichal, Martínez and Ortiz, special guests at the Assembly

Marichal, Martínez and Ortiz, special guests at the Assembly

Marichal, Martínez y Ortiz, invitados especiales en la Asamblea

The immortals Juan Marichal, Pedro Martínez and David Ortiz attended President Luis Abinader’s Accountability speech at the National Assembly as special guests.

Marichal, Martínez and Ortiz arrived at the National Congress impeccably dressed in black suits, matching ties and white shirts, as indicated by protocol.

“For me it is a great pride and honor to support our president in a difficult moment that affects the country,” said Martínez.

“The president has done a great job. It is unfortunate that there are so many negative things that affect us, but I understand that he has made a great effort, “said the former pitcher.

Another renowned figure who was present at the event was the Olympic medalist Marileidy Paulino, who was accompanied by the Minister of Sports, Francisco Camacho.

Last Thursday, the star sprinter surprised by making a call to President Abinader, through Twitter, so that his coach Yaseen Pérez Gómez obtains Dominican residence.

In addition to the Dominican residence, he explains that Pérez Gómez does not have a decent place to live or a fair salary.

“If you don’t intervene, the effort and results obtained in #Tokyo2020 will have been in vain,” he said in one of the tweets published last Thursday night.

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