Home Entertainment María Elena Núñez will present the season “Inspiradores”, in her program “Ser...

María Elena Núñez will present the season “Inspiradores”, in her program “Ser Humano”

In the Dominican Republic, there are many people who contributed their talents and knowledge to fulfill the noble mission of offering well-being and the joy of their art to the country, to their community. This work is worthy of recognition because your contributions will last forever.

For this reason, from Saturday, November 6, the producer María Elena Núñez will present eight programs of the season special “Inspiradores”, in the broadcast of her space “Ser Humano” that airs on Saturdays at 11:00 at night , by Teleantillas.

“Each broadcast tells its own story in tribute to those who forged their path in life and transcended their legacy beyond their physical disappearance. Men and women who, due to their contributions to art, culture, cuisine, education, politics and philanthropy have become the “Country Brand” of the Dominican Republic, ”said the communicator.

Núñez expressed that “with this special we want to bear witness to our gratitude for all that Jenny Polanco left us in life, in fashion; Adriano Miguel Tejada, in journalism; Victor Victor in art; Willy Rodríguez in broadcasting; José Ignacio Morales, in the plastic arts ”.

He affirmed that this special will also honor the memory of Esperanza de Lithgow, for her contribution to gastronomy; Yvelisse Prats Ramírez de Pérez for her legacy in the educational-political world. The ninth installment of this special will be completed with the story of Johnny Ventura, who left the country and the world with the quality of his music and artistic talent.

“With this special of stories of exemplary lives we want to inspire present and future generations that it is possible to do laudable work that is of collective well-being.”

He also pointed out that “this is a contribution to the television offer that highlights the best of the human being, which characterizes our program, which has been broadcast for 27 years without interruption.”

For the Latino community in the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico, this television special will be broadcast on Sundays at 10:00 pm on TV Quisqueya.


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