March of Bolsonaro’s followers: the threat to Brazilian democracy

Before a crowd concentrated in Brasilia, the president Jair Bolsonaro threatened to launch actions against the Supreme Federal Court, whom he accused of holding political prisons against ultra-rightists suspected of articulating a military coup. “Anyone who acts outside the law must frame or prepare to leave,” said the far-right president harangued by his followers who mobilized throughout the country today.

“Either the head of that power (the court) puts one of the court judges in a box or that power may suffer what we do not want to happen,” Bolsonaro agreed in reference to the magistrate Alexandre de Moraes, in charge of the processes of violation against democracy.

The march of the bolsonaristas

Thousands of followers of President Jair Bolsonaro began to gather this Tuesday morning, in different parts of Brazil, on Independence Day. The day started in a climate of tension due to the call of the Brazilian president to storm the palace of the Supreme Federal Court, in Brasilia, in retaliation for opening an investigation against him.

The public buildings woke up shielded by important security operations. It is expected that massive columns of ultra-rightists will arrive in Brasilia, who began to mobilize last night. San Pablo will also be the scene of massive events.

Bolsonaro started the day with an official flag-raising ceremony at the Alvorada Palace, the residence of the head of state. In the symbolic Esplanade of the Ministries, several thousand people gathered to wave Bolsonaro flags, pray and ask for the impeachment of the judges of the Supreme Federal Court (STF).

“I came to fight for our freedom, to rid the country of that filthy band of corrupt politicians who are in the STF. Bolsonaro has our support to remove them, “said security agent Márcio Souza, 45, who wore a yellow T-shirt with the president’s face stamped on it.

Last night, hundreds of protesters gathered in the central region of the capital. After break a police blockade, many of them entered with trucks and other vehicles on the avenue that leads to Congress, to the Supreme Federal Court and other government buildings.

Coup tone

“We just invaded! The police could not contain the people! And tomorrow we are going to invade the STF,” shouted one of Bolsonaro’s followers last night in a video broadcast by local media.

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Despite stating that the objective of the marches is to defend “freedom”, many of the protesters who support the president and who organized through social networks also preach the attack on democratic institutions.

Some are even calling for a “military intervention” commanded by the 66-year-old president, a former captain of the Army nostalgic for the military dictatorship (1964-1985).

Bolsonarist ultimatum

Bolsonaro affirmed in recent days that he expects massive mobilizations to send an “ultimatum” to the Supreme Court judges who opened various investigations against him and his entourage, among other things for spreading false information. He also cited the eventuality of an institutional “rupture”.

The ex-paratrooper, whose popularity is at its lowest level in large part due to his management of the pandemic and the economic crisis, will participate in the morning events in Brasilia and in the afternoon in São Paulo, where he hopes to gather “millions” in the emblematic Paulista Avenue.

Three kilometers from there, in Vale do Anhangabau, the main opposition demonstration in the megalopolis is scheduled under the slogan “Out with Bolsonaro.”

Police participation in the marches

According to a poll published on Sunday by O Globo, 30 percent of the police officers had the intention of taking to the streets this Tuesday, although the regulations prevent them from getting involved in political demonstrations, even on their days off.

Bolsonaro openly criticized last week those judges and governors who announced measures to prevent police officers from attending the marches.

“It is a crime (to prohibit the police demonstration), worthy of a dictatorship. They want to reduce the movement. But a plainclothes policeman on his day off can contribute to the security of the event,” he said.


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