Home World López Obrador proposes a global mechanism against poverty at the UN

López Obrador proposes a global mechanism against poverty at the UN

López Obrador propone en la ONU un mecanismo mundial contra la pobreza

The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, proposed this Tuesday to the UN Security Council the creation of a global mechanism to end the poverty that afflicts 750 million people who today survive on less than two dollars a day. 

The mechanism, which will be presented in detail by Mexico before the UN General Assembly in the coming days, would be financed with a fund that would be fed from three sources: a contribution "voluntary" annually of 4% of the thousand largest fortunes on earth, a similar percentage of the thousand largest companies and 0.2% of the GDP of each of the rich countries grouped in the so-called G20.

The name he proposed would be World Program for Fraternity and Welfare, and if those alluded to by the Mexican project agreed, López Obrador estimates that he would collect "One billion dollars".

According to the Mexican president, this fund should be distributed directly and without intermediation to the beneficiaries, in order to avoid bureaucracy, by submitting "an electronic card or wallet" created ad hoc, and suggested that the World Bank or the International Monetary Fund be in charge of creating this "census of the poorest in the world".

The immediate destination of these funds – he specified – would go to pay the elderly and children with disabilities, scholarships, professional learning support programs, and vaccine distribution and free medications.

"I do not believe that the permanent members of the Security Council (who have veto rights to Council resolutions) are opposed, as we are not talking about nuclear weapons or putting the security of the world at risk."he reasoned.



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