Home Sports Lidom’s top free agents have decided to stay with their teams

Lidom’s top free agents have decided to stay with their teams

Principales agentes libres de Lidom han decidido quedarse en sus equipos

The main players of the Dominican Baseball League They seem to be happy enough with their teams, evidencing as part of the main figures that they could have chosen to enter the free agency They have returned with new agreements to the franchises in which they played in the previous tournament.

Of course, a considerable part of these players may have managed to increase their salaries, something that ultimately benefits them, in addition to being the main purpose that the market has for them. The detail is that these numbers are not publicly known.

The organization with the biggest renewals announced so far have been the champions Tigers of the Liceywho have announced they maintain control over 11 of their free agents, a number that includes stars César Valdez, Emilio Bonifacio and Jairo Asencio.

Another operations body that has remained active has been the Gigantes del Cibao, retaining seven players, including the major leaguer Marcel Ozunafollowed by Moisés Sierra or Juan Minaya.

the pitchers Enny Romero and Rhiner Cruzas well as outfielder Jimmy Paredes and first baseman Aderlin Rodríguez represent the four signings that the Leones del Escogido have made over those who belonged to them during the 2022-2023 harvest.

On their side, the Eastern Bulls managed to retain the veteran infielders Yamaico Navarro and Cristhian Adamésin the same way that the left-handed reliever Ferdinand Abbot andto the starting pitching star Raul Valdes.

Despite not being officially confirmed by the team, the radio program Grandes en los Deportes reported the signatures of the free agents Juan Lagares, Zoilo Almonte, and Jhan Mariñez. and Francisco Pena by the Águilas Cibaeñas.

The Eastern Stars present a total of eleven talents that could choose between staying or leaving the franchise.

In the event of not achieving renewals, players who maintain free agent status as of March 15 will be able to negotiate with any Lidom organization. And if they don’t get a job, they will have the opportunity to go play in other leagues in the Caribbean.

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