Home World LEROY MERLIN performs live on TikTok with Jordi Cruz

LEROY MERLIN performs live on TikTok with Jordi Cruz

LEROY MERLIN performs live on TikTok with Jordi Cruz

Leroy Merlin has launched a liveshopping project. The first test was carried out in his store located in Madrid in the Nuevos Ministerios area, where it was broadcast on streaming a DIY workshop (Do It Yourself) with the famous presenter Jordan Cruz. The live show, which lasted 30 minutes, is the first one made by a retail brand in the home category in Spain for this platform.

In the words of brand director LEROY MERLIN Spain, Sergio Vicente, “Entertainment and commerce are increasingly intertwined, and TikTok is the ideal platform for brands to bridge the two worlds. The latest trends, including home improvement, come together in this network, and LEROY MERLIN could not ignore it. We continue to learn every day from the hand of our audience and followers of the brand, and for us it is a joy to be one of the first brands in the home category in Spain that gives way to TikTok as one of the emerging networks of the moment. The challenge for brands it is to be more native than ever in terms of content and adaptation to the target, and with actions like this, we put theory into practice.”

Thanks to TikTok, many brands have managed to connect more with users, enhancing their creativity, creating content that attracts attention and entertains. According to sources from the social network, each month they connect up to 13.8 millions of people of different ages only in Spain. TikTok has been gaining strength within the world of digital platforms until it has been used for 77 minutes on average per day by its users.

Thus, Leroy Merlin uses this social network to promote its content beside Jorge Cruz, through a workshop where viewers will be encouraged to create a DIY project “for the whole family” with their own hands.

For his part, the director of digital experience at LEROY MERLIN Spain, Fernando Herranz, adds that “One of our key levers is to adapt to the new ways of relating to our audiences on social networks. In this way, we continue accompanying the client, or potential client, in their journey through entertainment and value content for him. The arrival of LEROY MERLIN on TikTok last April has been very well received by users, achieving a community of more than 35,000 followers in 3 months. We will continue working because it grows day by day, and to offer the native content that is increasingly demanded by audiences, especially the young target”.

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