Home Science Lemon and its great health benefits

Lemon and its great health benefits

Lemon and its great health benefits

Lemon, this citrus fruit with a bright yellow color and tart taste, not only adds a refreshing note to our food and drinks, but also has countless health benefits. Its richness in vitamin C, potassium and other nutrients makes it a natural ally to strengthen our body.

1. Strengthens the immune system: Vitamin C, abundant in lemon, is a powerful antioxidant that helps fight free radicals and strengthen the body’s defenses. Its regular consumption can help prevent colds, flu and other infections.

2. Promotes Digestion: The citric acid contained in lemon stimulates the production of digestive juices, which facilitates the digestion of food and reduces the feeling of heaviness. In addition, it helps fight heartburn and constipation.

3. Protects Cardiovascular Health: Potassium, another mineral found in lemon, helps regulate blood pressure and maintain a healthy heart rate. In addition, the flavonoids it contains also help lower cholesterol levels and improve heart health.

4. Prevents the Formation of Kidney Stones: The citric acid in lemon also helps prevent kidney stone formation by increasing urine volume and dissolving small crystals that can build up in the kidneys.

5. Improves Skin Health: Vitamin C is important for the production of collagen, a protein that gives skin strength and elasticity. Regular consumption can help prevent wrinkles and expression lines and improve the texture and luminosity of the skin.

6. Helps Lose Weight: Lemon water with baking soda is a popular weight loss drink. It helps boost metabolism and remove toxins from the body, while baking soda reduces feelings of hunger.

7. Fight bad breath: Citric acid helps eliminate bacteria that cause bad breath and ensures fresh and pleasant breath.

8. Anti-cancer properties: Some studies have shown that lemon flavonoids may have anti-cancer properties, particularly in preventing liver, colon and stomach cancer.

9. Strengthens Bones: Vitamin C is also important for bone health as it helps with the absorption of calcium. Its regular consumption can help prevent osteoporosis and other bone diseases.

10. Improves Mood: The aroma has a stimulating and energizing effect that can improve mood and reduce stress.

How to consume lemon:

There are different ways to incorporate it into our diet. We can consume it fresh in salads, juices, smoothies or desserts. We can also add lemon juice to our cooking recipes or prepare lemon water with or without baking soda.

Here are some lemonade recipes you can enjoy:

  1. Classic lemonade:
    • Ingredients:
      • 1 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice (about 4-6 lemons)
      • 1 cup sugar
      • 6 cups cold water
      • Ice
    • Instructions:
      1. In a large jug, mix the juice with the sugar until the sugar is completely dissolved.
      2. Add the cold water and mix well.
      3. Serve over ice and decorate with lemon wedges if desired.
  2. Strawberry lemonade:
    • Ingredients:
      • 1 cup freshly squeezed juice
      • 1 cup fresh strawberries, washed and stemmed
      • 1/2 cup sugar
      • 6 cups cold water
      • Ice
    • Instructions:
      1. In a blender, mix the strawberries with the juice and sugar until you get a smooth puree.
      2. Pour the mixture into a large jug and add the cold water. Mix well.
      3. Serve over ice and decorate with a strawberry on the edge of the glass if desired.
  3. Cucumber Mint Lemonade:
    • Ingredients:
      • 1 cup freshly squeezed juice
      • 1/2 cucumber, peeled and chopped
      • 1/4 cup fresh mint leaves
      • 1/2 cup sugar
      • 6 cups cold water
      • Ice
    • Instructions:
      1. In a blender, blend cucumber, mint, juice and sugar until smooth.
      2. Pour the mixture into a large jug and add the cold water. Mix well.
      3. Serve over ice and decorate with a sprig of mint if desired.
  4. Mango lemonade:
    • Ingredients:
      • 1 cup freshly squeezed juice
      • 1 cup mango puree (you can use fresh or frozen mango)
      • 1/2 cup sugar
      • 6 cups cold water
      • Ice
    • Instructions:
      1. In a large jug, mix the mango puree with the juice and sugar until the sugar is completely dissolved.
      2. Add the cold water and mix well.
      3. Serve over ice and decorate with a slice of mango on the edge of the glass if desired.

I hope you enjoy these refreshing lemonades!


Excessive consumption of lemon may have some contraindications, such as erosion of tooth enamel or irritation of the stomach. It is recommended to consume it in moderation and to consult a doctor for certain medical conditions.

In short, regular consumption of lemon offers numerous health benefits. It is a natural, versatile and easy to incorporate food into our diet that helps us maintain a healthy and strong body.

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