Legislative in Italy: the far-right party of Giorgia Meloni in the lead, his coalition with the right credited with more than 40% of the vote

She was favorite, she comes first. Giorgia Meloni and his Fratelli d’Italia party struck a blow, on the evening of the Italian legislative elections, Sunday September 25. The far-right formation comes first, according to a Rai exit poll, with a score of between 22 and 26% of the vote. In total, his coalition with the League (the far-right party of Matteo Salvini, credited with 8 to 12%) and the Forza Italia party of the eternal Silvio Berlusconi (between 6 and 8%) could total between 40 and 45 % of the votes, enough to constitute a majority in Parliament.

The main left-wing party, Enrico Letta’s Democratic Party, limits the damage with a score of between 16 and 21% of the vote, according to this exit poll.

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