Home Sports Laso: “It was a magnificent match for everyone”

Laso: “It was a magnificent match for everyone”

Pablo Laso resaltó el "magnífico partido por parte de todos" sus jugadores pero advirtió que el sábado, en Manresa, será "completamente diferente".

Pablo Laso, coach of Real Madrid, highlighted the “great game by all” his players but he warned that on Saturday, in Manresa, it will be “ccompletely different“.

It has been a magnificent game by all. We have faced very well and understood that we had to be tough and consistent in defense. The dominance in the rebound has given us the advantage that we have later been able to maintain very well“, highlighted Pablo Laso.

We have also been able to distribute minutes in a victory that was fundamental, because the playoff is short“, he added.

After the Euroleague final, there could be some doubts about the physical and mental recovery of the team.

I am happy with the control of the game that we have had. The team has recovered very well from the physical effort“, said.

When you lose a final, you always think about how the players are going to react and the truth is that I give them a 10. They have been magnificent in attack and defense. We have been able to distribute minutes. After losing the Euroleague final by one point, you always have some doubt“, he continued.

In Manresa the match is going to be completely different. They play with a lot of energy and are very dangerousPablo Laso concluded.

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