Home Sports Lanús and Banfield equaled in the classic of the South

Lanús and Banfield equaled in the classic of the South

Lanús and Banfield drew 1-1, in a frictionless and tense match played in the stadium of the former, within the framework of the 16th round of the Professional Football League (LPF) tournament. The tie served much more to Lanús, who was third with 27 points, while Banfield tied his ninth draw in the tournament and has 15 points.

The start was intense but balanced, as both teams tried to impose high pressure not to allow the clear exit of the rival. Within that panorama, Lanús generated the first emotion when Bernabei executed a corner kick that headed Burdisso downwards, and the ball crashed into the base of the right post of Altamirano’s goal, which he later managed to contain on the line.

After a slight predominance of the premises, Banfield affirmed better in the game, although without being able to formulate clear situations to mark the opening; while Lanús tried to come out with quick replicas that did not have a happy culmination, due to the good work of Maldonado and Lollo in the Banfileño background.

Then the fight was located in the center of the field, where both teams struggled to gain control of the ball, with some marks such as the one arranged by Luis Zubeldia, who asked Belmonte not to let Galoppo think.

While Sanguinetti watched with pleasure how Domingo, with his experience, seized the middle of the field and pushed the lines of his team towards the Lanús goalkeeper. In this way, Domingo showed his handling of the ball, changed the front for Urzi who controlled it and threw a center almost from hole so that Cruz, with a head, scored his sixth goal with a lot of nose to be in the right place.

At the beginning of the second half, Lanús tried to pressure, but Banfield took over the middle. The local arrived when a long and rainy center of Malcorra did not get to be intercepted by Altamirano, Burdisso headed and Lollo came to save on the line.

Malcorra, who became the most aggressive player in Lanús and the one who provided the most balls to Sand and López, put in a good overflow that the Corrientes pushed, but a saving clearance came from a visiting defender.

Zubeldia brought out Malcorra, the best of Lanús, to put De la Vega, requested by the entire stadium, when the moment of “Garnet” requested the presence of the two on the playing field. And in turn Sanguinetti, to maintain the advantage, offered a tactical change with the entry of defender Tanco through midfielder Ríos, to form a line of five in the background.

A front center from Lanús had a blunder from Lollo, at 38 minutes, that goalkeeper Altamirano with a saving touch prevented it from becoming a draw. That was a warning, since three minutes later Sand and López put together a barbaric wall that the youngest man from Corrientes masterfully defined, with a downward volley that left the visiting goalkeeper without a chance.


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