Jab Pyaar Kiya For Darna Kya, this song suits Kiara Advani quite a bit these days. Kiara Advani says that one can settle down well without getting married. She is currently very happy and busy with her work. If reports are to be believed, Kiara is dating Sidharth Malhotra, but the two have remained tight-lipped about their relationship. Both neither confirm nor deny. In fact, Kiara Advani has been seen with Siddharth Malhotra for some time now. Many times Kiara and Siddharth have also been seen together at many parties. Recently, her statement that one can live together without marriage, she must have understood what she was aiming for.
Some time ago there were also reports that Kiara and Siddharth broke up. So both Kiara and Siddharth didn’t like to talk to each other, or even look at each other. But when the two were seen together again at an event, it was speculated that these distances were just to create confusion among people. Apart from this, Siddharth and Kiara were also seen together at the Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 movie premiere. Everyone speculated that Kiara and Siddharth had reconciled and were back together again.
Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani’s adventure is not new. The names of these two have been linked for almost two years. At first, both stars were afraid of being captured on camera together. Many times these two have also been seen together on many dates. Lots of parties, lots of award shows, the two have even been seen together at lunch several times. Although at first everyone felt that these two got together in the movie Sher Shah, so both of them were seen together in many places, but when it comes to their place everywhere, the matter began to look different. Even when Kiya was asked if she had dated anyone recently, her reply was that she had recently gone on a date. From this statement of Kiara it became clear that with whom she is often seen, she has a date, namely Siddharth Malhotra. Along with this, Siddharth has also been seen at Kiara’s birthday party.
The affair of these two was confirmed when both were seen celebrating the new year together. After that, again for the second year, once again Kiara and Siddharth went to Africa to celebrate the new year. After this, they both went to Maldives to celebrate the new year. When Kiara posted the picture of her in the Maldives in a yellow bikini on Insta, fans of hers just said it was a great click, Sid.
Kiara recently opened up about their relationship. When asked if she was dating anyone, Kiara Advani said that the last time she dated was in 2022. She also told the media that you all must have guessed who she dated. Although Siddhartha’s name was not explicitly taken, but she was pointing towards him.