Home Sports Jorge Sampaoli opts for the dosing of the homegrown players

Jorge Sampaoli opts for the dosing of the homegrown players

Jorge Sampaoli opts for the dosing of the homegrown players

Among injuriesthe poor defensive performance of the team and the agony situation that was crossed, and still is crossed, Julen Lopetegui opted for look at the subsidiary while he was the tenant of the Sevilla bench to try to stop the bleeding of goals that were conceded. That caused José Ángel carmona Y Kike Salas were in practice two more members of the first template. With the arrival of Sampaoli the situation changed, since the argentinian has opted for dose the apparitions of the homegrown players. He already warned in his presentation that, due to circumstances, they had had to assume responsibilities that did not correspond to them.

The data shows that carmona disputed 489 minutes while Lopetegui was his coach, spread over eight encounters. With Sampaolitheir participation has been reduced to six games, in which it has added 313 minutes. Kike Salas, for his part, he had 382 minutes in five games at the hands of Lopetegui, while Sampaoli has given him 167 in three matches.

In addition, Carmona has been a substitute in the last three league games and in the cup tie against Velarde, leaving blank. Kike Salas did play the entire match between the Cantabrians. Sampaoli he has favoriteit will be seen if rightly or wrongly, that they be the professionals of first team those who show their faces and take out the fire chestnuts

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