Shahrukh Khan’s most anticipated film, Jawan, hit theaters and caused quite a stir on day one. “Jawan” received a tremendous response from audiences and also set the record for the biggest opening film of all time in the country. Even “Jawan” broke the records of such films as “Pathan”, “Gadar 2” with its stormy revenues on the first day. Let us know here how many crores “Jawan” raked in on day one at the domestic box office.
Shahrukh Khan’s “Jawan” made history by setting a record on the very first day of its release. The film broke Pathan’s opening record for first-day earnings. This has made Jawan the biggest opening film in Bollywood. Speaking of opening day earnings for Jawan, which has been causing quite a stir since the first day of pre-orders.
- According to SacNilk’s early trends report, the film ‘Jawaan’, starring Shahrukh Khan and Nayantara, broke the domestic box office record, taking 75 crore rupees on the first day of its release.
- The film grossed 63-65 crores in the Hindi version on the first day, beating Pathan’s record.