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“It was a walk”, mother of the disappeared young woman Pamela Gallardo denounces the inaction of the Mexican authorities

María del Carmen Volante (c), mother of the missing young Guadalupe Pamela Gallardo, led a search brigade in the Ajusco area, in Mexico City (Mexico).  BLAZETRENDS/Isaac Esquivel

By Inés Amarelo |

Mexico City (BLAZETRENDS) , in the south of Mexico City, together with relatives and volunteers, who denounced that it was a simulation.

“It was not a search, it was a walk,” the young woman’s mother told BLAZETRENDS.

On November 5, 2017, Pamela Gallardo attended the Soul Tech music festival that was held in Ajusco, a mountainous and volcanic area, and did not return home. The investigations have barely advanced after five and a half years and the authorities are reluctant to include clues or evidence that the family has been finding.

The search for Pamela Gallardo

María del Carmen walks throughout the city, goes to as many government offices as necessary and files all kinds of complaints and petitions. And now, after years of pleading that they look for her daughter in one of the areas near the place where she disappeared, the authorities did not measure up to her.

She arrived together with other mothers, groups, volunteers and journalists in the area. Also members of the Mexico City Search Commission, anthropologists and experts.

Looking at the immensity of Ajusco, he asks Pamela: “Daughter, where are you?”

The tears of a mother who knows nothing about her daughter join those of frustration when she realizes that members of the National Guard, canine pairs and firefighters were not in the area, despite the fact that the Search Commission he had assured that they would arrive.

In addition, when starting the field work, he saw that the work prior to the search had not been carried out either. The search areas are not delimited, in an immense and incomprehensible terrain for the little more than 40 people who responded to the call.

seven months of preparation

“Today had been in preparation for the past seven months. We observed that there was a lack of preparation despite the fact that the authorities had affirmed that all the summoned authorities were there,” said Alan Piñón, lawyer for the Gallardo Volante family, at the end of the search day, which began around 9:00 a.m. local (15.00 GMT) and ended around 13.00 (19.00 GMT) due to rain.

María del Carmen, mother of Pamela Gallardo, added that it was “important” to go up to the area where the search work was carried out but assured that the Search Commission did not make the required delimitations, that the day began late and that it ended soon because of the presence of precipitation.

Even so, the volunteers and their relatives tried to focus their efforts on searching for articles of clothing, digging in areas of fresh soil and searching suspicious areas.

Divided into three groups, the searchers combed as much land as possible, but both Piñón and María del Carmen indicated that this is not enough to rule out the area, despite the fact that the search continues.

“The authorities will say that the search has already been carried out, that the land is completely combed. But of course, these actions that were carried out today do not constitute an exhaustive, informal search action, with due diligence or with a gender perspective”, declared the lawyer.

Rain, tiredness and frustration

The end of the day, with abundant rain and a lot of fatigue, was experienced with frustration among those present. They assured that there was a lack of will on the part of the Search Commission and the Mexico City Prosecutor’s Office.

“It is a simulation, it is to tire us, they do not take importance to the people who live in search,” said María del Carmen.

In Mexico, 112,000 people remain missing or not located since there was a record. For decades, the missing persons crisis in Mexico has been growing and becoming more noticeable on the public agenda. And in the country’s pending, but the government’s response, according to family organizations, has not been up to the task.

While solutions are demanded, mothers, fathers and other relatives of disappeared persons are dying without having located their relatives.

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