Home World Iraq also gave the United States a deadline to withdraw

Iraq also gave the United States a deadline to withdraw

Baghdad: The leader of Al-Fatah Alliance in Iraq has given the United States a deadline to withdraw from Iraq.

According to Shafaq News, Hadi Al-Amiri, the leader of Al-Fatah Alliance in Iraq, said that all foreign forces, including the United States, should withdraw from Iraq by the end of 2012.

He said that after the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq, there would be no display of weapons on the streets of Iraq. Hadi al-Amiri said that a peaceful transfer of power in Iraq would be possible only through the ballot box.

It should be noted that parliamentary elections are going to be held in Iraq on the 10th of next month.

US President Joe Biden, who has already announced that he will end the combat role of his troops in Iraq, made the announcement during talks with Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kazmi on July 27.

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The president said relations between the two countries were entering a new era, with Biden adding that US troops would be in Iraq to “train, assist and tackle ISIS if it were to rise.”

It should be noted that there are currently more than two and a half thousand US troops stationed in Iraq.


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