Bharat Arun, the former bowling coach of the India team, has narrated an anecdote about Mohammad Siraj. This story is related to India’s last tour of England. Bharat Arun has said that during the 5-match test series, Mohammad Siraj managed to take wickets by ignoring the advice of captain Virat Kohli in the Lord’s Test.
Bharat Arun said during a chat with Cricbuzz: ‘Mohammed Siraj tried to keep the angle of the wicket against English left-handed batsmen but felt more comfortable bowling off the wicket. Virat Kohli said that he would try to bowl only around the wicket, but Siraj insisted that he only wants to bowl on the wicket. He kept throwing over the wicket and in the last one he took the wickets of two left-handed batsmen.
This test held at Lord’s was won by Team India. Despite being behind in the early innings, the great performance of the bowlers gave India this memorable victory. Indian bowlers outscored English batsmen with just 120 runs in the fourth innings. By winning this match, India also took a 1-0 lead in the series. Siraj took a total of 8 wickets in this test.
The match being played at Edgbaston is part of this Test series held last year. Last year only 4 matches of this 5 match test series could be played. The last match could not be played due to Corona. The series was stopped after Corona cases emerged in the Indian team. The Indian team had built a 2-1 lead in four matches in this series. Even if the current match at Edgbaston turns out to be a draw, this series will be in the name of India.