In Britain, undercover “spy cops” have formed intimate relationships with their targets

In Great Britain, an unprecedented judgment has just plainly condemned the practices of the British police which, for years, infiltrated and manipulated protest movements in the United Kingdom. Undercover police officers who begin intimate relationships with activists, sometimes going so far as to make them pregnant before disappearing once their mission is over … And it is one of these victims, Kate Wilson who for ten years had been trying to prosecute the British police after having herself been the dupe of one of these agents, Mark Kennedy with whom she had maintained an ongoing relationship for two years, she was the one who finally won the case. An administrative court has in fact considered that the police infiltration operation of which she was the victim was not “could be justified as necessary in a democratic society” and revealed “worrying and lamentable breaches of the most fundamental rights”; hence Kate Wilson’s fundamental rights had been violated. A second hearing should allow him to obtain compensation in the form of compensation …

These intimate relationships forged by undercover police officers and which are now causing a scandal are probably only the tip of the iceberg. They were brought to light because women, militants and activists duped by these undercover agents, stepped up to denounce the deception. But there is undoubtedly much more. Mark Kennedy thus operated in clandestine for more than ten years, infiltrating the environmentalist movements of Great Britain, but also operating in Germany, France or Spain. The British press mentions in all more than a thousand protest movements which have been infiltrated by the British police since 1968: from the youth movement of the Liberal Democrats to activists of the animal cause.

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And the practices of these “spy cops”, these “spy cops” as they are called across the Channel, were not limited to seducing a few activists. Some – Mark Kennedy in particular – have mounted from scratch violent actions in the name of the protest movements they had infiltrated, just to discredit them. They played the role of agent provocateurs.

Since 2015, the British police have sworn that all these practices are now over, that agents working underground obey clearly established rules, forbidding them, for example, from forming intimate relations with their “targets” … But we is all the same in right to doubt it. Especially since, during the course of the year, a new legal provision was passed in the British Parliament, discreetly but officially, authorizing the public agents of all the police or intelligence forces as well as the soldiers who operate under cover to commit real crimes in the exercise of their functions … and this “whether these crimes can prevent disorder” or could “further the economic or security interests of the United Kingdom”.

Clear, this new law now makes it possible to authorize any police or security official operating in hiding to violate the laws of his own country, in the name of reason of state.

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