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In a major incident in the African country, armed men kidnapped 32 people from a railway station

In a major incident in the African country, armed men kidnapped 32 people from a railway station

Nigeria: A major incident of kidnapping has occurred in the West African country of Nigeria, armed men have kidnapped 32 people from a railway station.

Foreign media Gunmen armed with AK-47 rifles have abducted more than 30 people from a train station in Nigeria’s southern Edo state, the governor’s office in Yenagoa city said on Sunday.

The attack is the latest example of growing insecurity, which has spread to almost every corner of Nigeria, Africa’s most populous nation, a challenge for the government ahead of presidential elections in February.

Gunmen attacked the Tom Akemi station at 4 p.m., while passengers were waiting for a train to the oil hub Warri, police said in a statement, also shooting some people at the station. went

The state’s information commissioner said a rescue team has been formed to rescue the hostages, which includes army and police officials as well as vigilante networks and hunters, adding that the victims would be rescued in the coming hours. will be taken.

The Federal Ministry of Transport termed the incident of kidnapping as ‘totally barbaric’.

It should be noted that the rail service connecting the capital Abuja to Northern Kaduna state was opened only last month, several months ago gunmen blew up its tracks and kidnapped dozens of passengers and killed 6. was The last hostage in the March attack was released in October.

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