Home Business In 10 months of 2022 more cruise passengers arrived than in 2021

In 10 months of 2022 more cruise passengers arrived than in 2021

En 10 meses de 2022 llegaron más cruceristas que el año 2021

In the Dominican Republic, cruise tourism began to pick up with the arrival of a greater number of ships. Only in 2021, 304 arrived, which represented a greater number compared to 2020 when 174 vessels entered through the main tourist ports of the country.

The same behavior was observed in the course of 2022. The Dominican destination was visited by cruise passengers of 119 nationalities, as of October last year, behavior that has improved because in 2020 it was affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and boarding was not allowed. , according to data from the Central Bank.

Only in October 2022, a visit of 107,419 passengers by sea had already been registered, touching Dominican ports, when in December 2021 the arrival of this type of travelers added a total for the entire year of 110,331 cruise passengers, according to the statistical figures of the Tourist Information System, of the Ministry of Tourism (Situr/Mitur).

The cruise season in the Dominican Republic begins between October-December (varies depending on the start of the cruise line) and ends between March-April, according to the portal cruceros.com.do.


In August of last year 2022, the Dominican Port Authority (Apordom) reported that during the first half of 2022 a total of 562,496 passengers arrived in the Dominican Republic on 395 cruise ships.

Only in November 2022, Apordom registered the arrival of more than 196,000 cruise passengers to the country.

“The arrival of cruise ships to the country continues to grow month after month, in the month of November we received 196,268 cruise passengers in our Dominican ports,” the entity recorded.

Through the port of Amber Cove, 102,672 little crosses were received. While Taíno Bay, also in Puerto Plata, hosted 52,276; while in La Romana they received 31,380.

Samaná received 2,807, Santo Domingo 2,822 and Santo Domingo Ferry 3,768 and Catalina Island 93.

In total, the cruise passengers received amounted to 196,268 for November and more than one million between January-November 2022, according to Apordom figures published on the internet and collected by local media.

First semester 2022

Apordom records indicate that in October a significant number of foreigners entered the country on the Dominican coast.

It indicates that 80,448 descended from their respective boats to the mainland, “where they could enjoy the tourist, cultural and natural attractions that the Dominican Republic offers; Therefore, based on the statistics that establish that each cruise passenger who steps on Dominican soil spends, per capita, approximately 100 dollars, the cruise industry for this month of October meant an injection of around 8,044,800 US dollars into the local economy. ”.

The terminals that have received the most vessels are Amber Cove and Taíno Bay, both in Puerto Plata; followed by La Romana, indicates the publication.

Year 2021

The statistical data on the registration of cruise tourists who visited the Dominican Republic generally entered through Amber Cove, Puerta Plata, with the arrival in November 2021, with 49,303 cruise passengers.

The second highest arrival port was Taíno Bay, with 25,505; followed by the port of La Romana, with 10,527 and the port terminal of Santo Domingo, with 3.03.

The cruise passengers who arrived through the Dominican ports last November came from 119 nationalities.

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