Home Business IBEX 35 Hits 11,200, Roars 1.27%

IBEX 35 Hits 11,200, Roars 1.27%

El IBEX 35 no está para pascuas

The IBEX 35 rose 1.27% on Monday, approaching 11,200 points, driven by the advance of European markets and Wall Street. The large values ​​led the rise, with BBVA gaining 2.2%, Banco Santander 1.91%, Inditex 1.15%, Repsol 0.92%, Inditex 0.81%, and Telefónica 0.49%.

The benchmark index of the national stock market, the IBEX 35, has gained 139.8 points, or 1.27%, to 11,172.1 points. It has accumulated a profit of 10.59% so far this year.

The increase in profits on Wall Street after its opening, and in European markets at the end of the session, favored the Spanish rise. A barrel of Brent oil was trading at $85.95, up 0.71%.

In Europe, the euro was trading at $1.0728, up 0.33%, while Milan gained 1.27%, Paris 1.03%, Frankfurt 0.89%, and London 0.53%.

The Spanish stock market began the day with doubts but quickly recorded gains of close to 0.5%, bringing it closer to 11,100 points.

As a background for this evolution, it had the slight rise in the Dow Jones Industrial Average on Friday, 0.04%, while the S&P 500 had fallen 0.16% and the Nasdaq Composite 0.14%.

In Asia, except for the Tokyo stock market, which rose 0.54% due to the depreciation of the yen, Shanghai fell 1.17%, Seoul 0.7%, and Hong Kong barely changed.

The stock market struggled to increase its gains thanks to US futures during the morning. Although business confidence in Germany (Ifo index) fell slightly, seven tenths, in June, to 88.6 points, the stock market exceeded the level of 11,100 points at midday. The recovery of the euro and the debt contributed to the rise.

The main Wall Street indices began the day with mixed results, with small increases in the Dow Jones and falls of the same amount in the other two large ones, largely due to the decline of Nvidia.

The increase in the gains of the New York stock market (the Dow Jones gained just over 1%) and of the European markets at the end of the session (it helped that there could be negotiations on tariffs on Chinese electric cars with Europe) favored the Spanish rise, the highest daily since May 30. A barrel of Brent oil was trading at $85.95, up 0.71%.

All the big values ​​have risen: BBVA 2.2%; Banco Santander 1.91%; Inditex 1.15%, Repsol 0.92%, Inditex 0.81% and Telefónica 0.49%.

The greatest increase among IBEX companies has corresponded to Naturgy, 3.48%, while ACS has gained 3.15%, benefiting from a report from an investment firm on its investee Hotchief, Acciona 2.94%, Solaria 2.86%, and Sacyr 2.67%. Only two IBEX companies have fallen: Indra 2.12% and Enagás 0.62%.

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